That meant only eleven of us at knit group today. Sharon has started another baby sweater.
Top down and in a great orange colour.
Bonnie completed another great little hooded sweater.
Knit with Astra that her daughter purchased a few years back, intending to learn how to knit. When that didn't happen, she gave the yarn to her Mom and as usual, Bonnie put it to good use.
Wilma has started a wonderful little summer top.
Using Super 10 Cotton, in a beautiful teal blue, she is almost done the first half.
And on the 'merry widow' home front, it occurred to me today, that I have a good thing going here. I have the cheque book, but only have to cook and clean for one for the next little while. A position many would envy, I'm sure.
Re your comment on my bag: No beads. The market bag is mesh, so I think it's just the background showing through in some spots that might look like beads. Not so fancy, but should be very serviceable.
Where do all those local ladies buy their yarn? If its from one LYS the owners of that shop must be happy indeed!
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