First up, is my mandatory picture. Other families probably have their name in big letters and bright lights ad nauseum, but Peter is our only claim to fame. Whenever he has a show, I can't go into the gallery without stopping to snap this photo.
This second shot might appear that I'm taking credit but believe me, absolutely none is due. It's just the proud Mama shot.
Inside the gallery, the art seemed to be much appreciated. This photo captures fellow blogger, Marie and her thoughtfully posed hubby, along with 'Sis', BIL and a couple of nieces.

When Peter has a show, my entire family shows up. Are they interested in buying art? Not always. But for sure, they're interested in the fun that follows. After the show there was music. Which in my family never happens without dancing.
Twenty year old niece Katie and her Mom.
And of course, Dad.
Three generations on the dance floor.
Remember Katie's request for a red hat? Saturday the hat was delivered,worn all day and by the look of it, loved.
Twenty year old niece Katie and her Mom.
And of course, Dad.
Three generations on the dance floor.
Remember Katie's request for a red hat? Saturday the hat was delivered,worn all day and by the look of it, loved.