Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Off The Board

Off the blocking board and around my neck, I present my Linen Stitch Scarf. 


as is the fashion at knit group this year and which Wilma has to demonstrate weekly because none of us but her remembers,

and lastly 'halved and through'
as all the young people do.  It is a great addition to my wardrobe.  Green because I know what looks good on me but with other colours because I am open to different colours. Really.


LaurieM said...

It looks great! If it weren't for your horror story of how long it took to make, I'd be tempted to create one too... ;)

Sel and Poivre said...

It reminds me of a box of crayons - maybe that's why I favour the treatment of halved and through - more youthful to suit both the scarf and its creator!

Crazy Knitting Fool said...

The scarf is gorgeous. I maybe tempted to make one myself.

Nicki said...

Looks great! More colours...Yeah!

Stephanie said...

Wow, that looks so cool! Linen stitch is something I have to try sometime.