Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cat Bordhi Was In Town

Well, in town if you count a two hour drive as being 'in town'. And who wouldn't to see one of our most famous knitting gurus? I missed her, but Isa, Carolyn and Kat attended and were suitably star struck. As Carolyn said " Only a knitter would understand."

I understand that Sally Melville is speaking in Peterborough, this Thursday night. For me, that's a three hour drive. But, maybe...

Or maybe I should stay home and work on Nimbus. Two sleeves and the back are done, and the left front is almost finished.
Such a quick knit. The stitches are forming perfectly which suggests it might be one of those rare knits that doesn't require much blocking. I'll know soon. I love the colour and if it fits, it will be a double 'yippee' when it's done.

When it's done, it will be on to 'Hey Teach'. A great summer sweater and - a rare change for me - I think it will be finished before the end of the season.

So, if anyone asks, my story is - I stayed home from Cat Bordhi to get a head start on my summer knitting. My story and I'm sticking to it. Right.


Anonymous said...

Holy speed knitting, batgirl! You'll be casting on for Hey teach before you know it!

Anonymous said...
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Sel and Poivre said...

I think "Hey Teach" is so cute - I'm sorely tempted to try it but that style and shape of knit just doesn't suit my figure so I'm going to enjoy it vicarously through your version okay?