Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Knitters And Hikers

Knitting and hiking - both things I love to do. Since moving to Thornbury though, and despite living amongst some of the best hiking areas in Ontario, I have done far less hiking than in London.

My preference (perhaps because this was the norm in London) is to hike for a couple of hours, have coffee with my hiking friends then head for home. Hikers here, seem to enjoy longer hikes. They start later in the morning, incorporate lunch and make a day of it. I keep paying my membership dues and waiting for someone to organize - 'my type' of hike. That is to say - I have often bitched suggested that instead of the long, time-consuming hikes, we do a two hour hike. To date, no hiker has responded to my suggestion.

So, in true Brenda fashion, I decided to organize my own hikes. Calling them Two Hour Tuesdays, I started with Ingrid. Knowing that she too loves to hike, I asked her to come along on today's inaugural hike. Then, as we were preparing to head for home last Thursday, after knit group, I mentioned it to Wilma as well.

Imagine my surprise, when today, at 9 am, I pulled into the parking lot to see six!!! hikers. Ingrid invited two friends - both knitters. Wilma invited a friend - another knitter. Not one hiker had taken my suggestion, but you can count on knitters. Six, knitting-hikers , or better said, hiking-knitters had a wonderful morning hiking the Trout Hollow Trial in Meaford. Of course, I didn't think to take the camera, so in your mind's eye, I hope you can see the Blood Root, Violets, Fiddleheads and trout fishermen - one with three trout in the net, that we saw.

And now, I still have lots of day before me. I could spring clean the next room on the list. wash some more sweaters, or make the bathrooms sparkle.

Instead, I think I will


Anonymous said...

Good for you! If you build it, they will come!

Sel and Poivre said...

It falls to the organized and motivated to be motivated and get things organized If one builds something they will come that's for sure and if you make the effort you can almost always get what you want. So you got your two hour hike with time in the day left over!

I love it that you went on to have a productive afternoon in other respects - that's getting the most out of a day!