Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursdays Are For Knit Group - But Survivor's Over Until Fall

Survivor first today. JT was the obvious choice for winner, but it isn't often that the nice guy wins. I did feel sorry for Stephen that he didn't get even one vote. And Coach has a girlfriend. Who 'wodda' thunk?

Today at knit group, Sandy B treated us to a wonderful display of her sister's knitted, felted bags. How glorious they are. She must be a very creative girl, Sandy. Apparently, the bags are available for purchase at the Muskoka Market.

Bags by Sue Mitchell.

Bonnie knit a great sweater in self striping yarn.That sure saves lots of work.

Gail is working on a hooded sweater.
Which grand child gets this one, Gail?

Sharon spent her weekend making another beaded button.
That's a remarkable amount of patience, Sharon.

Doreen has started another striped scarf. She doesn't look too happy with the yarn choice, does she?
She tells me that her family thinks she should smile more. In fact, Doreen is a jolly, happy person. It just doesn't show in the photos.

The topic of conversation at our end of the table was WWKIP day. Coming up soon - June 13th. We don't know yet what we will do, but ideas are being tossed around and when the decision has been made, I'll let you know. Wherever we are, come join us.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely bags! I love the second dotted one with the matchiing handles.

Sel and Poivre said...

Hey Brenda how many regular members do you have in your knit group and how long has it been running? Its seems to have such a great momentum! 'Hope you have a good weekend!