Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Abi Likes It

Abi's Bolero was sent off to Hearst - to Mom's workplace - last week. With trepidation. Would it fit? Would she like it? More importantly, would her Mom like it?

The box, filled with the Bolero and Easter goodies, left here by Purolator, on Monday, during that silly April snowstorm. It would should arrive the next day. They would call Tuesday after work.

Tuesday night - no phone call. Oh, no! Didn't she like it? Didn't it fit? Didn't Mom like it? Maybe Purlator wasn't able to get through due to the storm. Tomorrow there will be a phone call.

Wednesday night - no phone call. Oh, no! For sure she didn't like it. It didn't fit. Mom didn't like it.

Thursday night. They called!!! Tuesday is Mom's day off, (I knew that!) so she wasn't at work to recieve the box. Wednesday, she was sick and didn't go to work. It was Thursday before the box came home.

She loves it. It fits. Mom loves it.


EL said...

Beautiful!! Well done

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet...and what a lucky girl to receive such a gift! It looks lovely on her...well done!

Sandra said...

Abi and the bolero look great! Well done!

LaurieM said...

Hooray!!! It looks great. I can imagine your relief.

Nicki said...

Great that all worked out. It looks wonderful. Fits so well. Wow

Anonymous said...

That is lovely - she looks pretty pleased!

Gina C.