Monday, February 22, 2010

Half Time

Whew! Coming around that last stretch of steek stitching on the weekend, almost proved disastrous. But I survived the steeking run and am here to tell you that steeking is all theory until the scissors come out. With scissors in hand, it's a whole new sport.

Marie from sel&poivre commented on Friday reminding me to put in a basting stitch. Basting stitches, done in a bright contrasting colour, are a great idea.
Without a basting stitch to guide you as you sew the two rows of tiny, loose machine stitches, it is very easy to slide out of the appointed track and stumble in the soft snow designated row of stitches and have a wonky, crooked row of machine stitches. Which could translate into a wonky, crooked cut. I had a total of five stitches to play with - two on either side of the basting stitch. I could go wonky for only two stitches, before cutting into the sweater itself. Thanks for the reminder, Marie.

With basting complete, I sewed and cut the first steek. The neckline.
It's square!!! Exactly as Elizabeth promised. Bless her heart.

I proceeded to cut all steeks because that is what the pattern said to do. " Secure and cut all steeks..." then, "fold the cut steeks to the inside of the sweater and stitch them down using the sweater wool (I did) or sewing thread."

This is where the near disaster happened. There were so, so many threads hanging loose. Sewing machine threads, basting threads and cut stitch yarn threads. What a mess! I panicked. Could the sweater be recovered? Patiently and slowly - do you know how 'not me' that is - I sewed down every hem. I knit the neckline, the neckline hem and sewed it down.

That done, this is what my sweater looks like.

With a close up of that neckline, because I can't believe it and I think it is so gorgeous. Excuse my immodesty.

While it might be tempting fate to say I can coast from here on in, two sleeves and seven crocheted buttonholes are all that stand between me and a gold medal.


Sel and Poivre said...

Oh that is just utterly fantastic!!!! That square neckline is magical!

You must be so thrilled! You should be so thrilled! I am thrilled for you!

Sandra said...

it is beautiful - no need for modesty! Great job.

freshisle said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Such patience. Can you come and do my next steek?

Anonymous said...

Way to go Brenda!!!

Zieknits said...

Did you manage all that without the glass of wine and lying down afterward with a cold cloth on your forehead?

I am seriously impressed.

Don't let your guard down, though. The Norwegians can still sneak up behind you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is looking beautiful!

Gina C