Ingrid is showing off a scarf that Doreen knit.
It is a drop stitch pattern. Wrap the yarn around the needle twice instead of the normal once, and on the next row, knit one wrap-around, let the other drop. It elongates the stitch.
Sandra wants the world to know that despite what I say about her, she does finish something. Here is her lovely, loooong scarf.
Joanne is our master mitten knitter. Her mitts are always wonderful She uses Lopi and just bits of colour. Keeping with the theme of 'threes' today, here is a trio of her mitts.
And a close up of the colour work. I love them.

And a close up of the colour work. I love them.
You might remember 'Lois of the beautific smile' who joined the group a few weeks ago. Five weeks ago, she tells me. Today she said that in those five weeks, she has knit exactly this.
Love the mitts. Everyone has been busy. Nice to see Doreen's smile.
Mr. Oil Exec is a misogynist, conniving, two-faced and probably not as smart as he thinks he is, BUT I admire him none-the-less. He's cheerful in the face of adversity, works hard, knows when to shut up and when to roll with the group.
He's growing on me.
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