The bright blue of Georgian Bay and the sail boats tinkling in the breeze. Could we knit outdoors?
Indoors was good too, though.
Bonnie was wearing one of her 'first-ever-for-me' sweaters. Perfect fit. Proud knitter.
Adorned with a curly scarf made from the yarn that curls itself and is all the rage this winter.
Sharon has started a 'high-class' Nimbus using Fleece Artist. Oh to have Sharon's stash.
Wilma too has started a Nimbus in a deep, rich red. (There's that anti- mid-winter-blahs colour again.) What do you call two Nimbus? Nimbi?

She says she's had many covet the hat but she's only offering up the pattern. The hat is hers to stay.
Gail's neighbour, Ruth, joined us today. Turns out she's a darn good knitter too. Lovely sweater, Ruth.
Tanya, despite a heavy weekend in the USA where she was taking a course managed to get a few rounds knit on her Fish Hat.
Gail's neighbour, Ruth, joined us today. Turns out she's a darn good knitter too. Lovely sweater, Ruth.
Tanya, despite a heavy weekend in the USA where she was taking a course managed to get a few rounds knit on her Fish Hat.
That was a wonderful afternoon. Glad I took off early from work for it. Thanks to Gail for being a wonderful hostess!
Love Doreen's hat...and the beautiful view of Georgian Bay. Humming a snippet of Gordon Lightfoot's "Seven Island Suite" as I type now. :-)
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