Friday, April 24, 2015

Sheer Panel

Last weekend was a 'wash' as far as my knitting was concerned.  No Problem.  I had  nothing on all week and expected to get in lots of knitting time.  Or so I thought.

Then I received one of those great phone calls.  Our Hearst friends who hosted us for two weeks in Florida this winter called to say they were driving home from the sunny south.  If we were going to be home they would stop and stay a couple of days.  Yippee!  I would drop anything  - even knitting - for a few days with friends.

After two evenings of laughter and fun, I finally dug out my knitting.  Sheer has the back finished,

as you knew - and the front started. I am almost at the point where the third colour will be joined. Will it progress THIS weekend?   Not likely.
The last weekend in April is always the Jazzmania Weekend in Thornbury. A conflict with the DC Knitters Frolic in Toronto.  Why can't the event coordinators separate these events? Perhaps there aren't too many knitters who enjoy Jazz.  A battle of interests for me for sure.  This year,  the music won.

 Sis and her hubby are coming up and we will see the Toronto All Star Big Band on Saturday.
See them here or here .   A great orchestra of young people, some as young as 15 but none older  than 22.  At that age they must leave the band.  It is unbelievable how well these young folks play.  All big band, dance music of a previous era.  I look at them and think how many hours it must have taken  Mom and Dad to help their kids achieve this level of excellence.  Driving them  to lessons and urging them to practise.  Dedicated parents  for sure.

All of this socializing though means that Sheer will probably end the weekend where it started.  Here.
Whether 'Frolicing', listening to music or otherwise enjoying yourself,  happy weekend everyone.

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