Nell has a beautiful baby set with two pairs of booties and one pair of toddler sized socks.
Today she was working on clothes for a doll.
Wilma has finished the red top, of Super 10 cotton, for her daughter. Except for the miles of waist-tie I cord that she worked on today.

Gail has a great helmet hat.
Made with three strands of yarn held together. This three-strands-at-once-knitting is part of Gail's master plan for next year's Knitters' Fair. She has set herself a goal of knitting a ball of yarn a day for 365 days. That way her stash will be dented by next year's fair.
One of my recent projects was a pair of Alpaca fingerless mitts, knit from the pattern I purchased last week. Sharon was wearing them almost before I was seated. My intentions had been to put them in a basket for family 'giveaways' at Thanksgiving. I had concerns though, that the teens who might get them wouldn't know how to care for Alpaca. Sharon loved them and so now they are hers. She will take good care of them.

Made with three strands of yarn held together. This three-strands-at-once-knitting is part of Gail's master plan for next year's Knitters' Fair. She has set herself a goal of knitting a ball of yarn a day for 365 days. That way her stash will be dented by next year's fair.
One of my recent projects was a pair of Alpaca fingerless mitts, knit from the pattern I purchased last week. Sharon was wearing them almost before I was seated. My intentions had been to put them in a basket for family 'giveaways' at Thanksgiving. I had concerns though, that the teens who might get them wouldn't know how to care for Alpaca. Sharon loved them and so now they are hers. She will take good care of them.
We had a new-comer to knit group today. Lois. Isn't that a great smile?
She was working on a baby outfit that hadn't been touched for a year. She thought that long a languishing period was remarkable. None of the rest of us did.
Who saw Survivor last week? How about Mr. Nasty. Will he get his come-uppance soon or will he win the million? Makes for good TV.
She was working on a baby outfit that hadn't been touched for a year. She thought that long a languishing period was remarkable. None of the rest of us did.
Who saw Survivor last week? How about Mr. Nasty. Will he get his come-uppance soon or will he win the million? Makes for good TV.
He makes for good TV, but really, I'd love to see him get his just desserts. As much as nasty is fun to watch, I hate to see it glorified and win. He needs to go, and soon!
A ball a day for a year to get through her stash? I'm slack jawed!
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