Elizabeth Zimmermann's Opinionated Knitter shows several garments knit with what EZ calls Prime Rib stitch. Apparently some call it the Brioche Stitch.
Despite Waterloo waiting patiently
Top of my list was EZ's Prime Rib hat. (Labelled E in the above photo) Prime Rib is a version of K1 P1 rib but w - a - y stretchier. Mine is being knit with Rowan's Big Wool.
Following EZ's directions, the hat begins with 10 inches of Prime Rib. A toque extraordinaire with ten inches to fold up. The yarn is thick, cozy and warm. A double layer over the ears will make it a great hat for wild winter days.
The hat should be done this weekend, then back to Waterloo. Armed as I am with new-found knowledge about steeks, corners and hems, I expect Waterloo to be a fast finish. If my arm hold out.
Just catching up on blogs. Love your EZ sweater. I so want to make one now. Would it be a problem to make it a bit longer? Please advise.
If the hat doesn't quite work out, brioche stitch also makes a great classic tea cosy. :)
Don't blame you for going with a simple little project, before returning to the Waterloo County sweater!
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