Monday, October 28, 2013

Modestly Priced, High End

I mentioned last week,   that knitting my pillow with four balls of Noro yarn, makes it a high-end pillow. 

But look how far one ball went.
  One side finished with this much yarn left.

Both the second side and the border still need to be knit.  I am thinking that with the addition of another yarn for a plain  back side, I might get pillow number  two from  four balls. 

That makes my high-end pillow - very modestly priced. My cup of tea indeed!


Sel and Poivre said...

For the life of me I cannot understand how the Noro colour changes work so perfectly. I'll have to try Noro someday for myself and see if I can't figure it out.

That is one great looking pillow!

Jan said...

It looks awesome!