Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Various And Sundry As Assigned

Monday was Remembrance Day and I have mentioned here before my association with the Legion and  in particular, my position this year,  as Poppy Chair.  As chair of this committee you need a willing and strong husband, or at least one who is agreeable to being 'voluntold' for duties various and sundry as assigned.

Fred took inventory of all the wreaths a few days before the 11th.  He replaced broken poppies and banners.  Early the morning of the 11th, he took the  wreaths  to the cenotaph, laid them out in the order of the service to make it convenient for the wreath layers.  Following the service,  he gathered them all up and brought them home, ready to box up for next year.

But the weather wreaked havoc on his plan. The wreathes were soaking wet and wind whipped.  Today, our laundry room looks like this.  Wreaths -a- plenty, drying out.

The photo on the wall you see there was taken at the Quebec City Winter Carnival in 1993.  It is my Mom and the Bonhomme d'Carnivale.  M. Bonhomme is really tall and Mom was really  short.  It makes for a fun photo.


Sel and Poivre said...

"Voluntold" - Love it!

Sandra said...

I agree - "voluntold" is now going into my lexicon...
I love Bonhomme! WIsh I could dig out some of our family pics of WInter Carnival.
And the ceremonies at cenotaphs are always moving for me. I was working this year, so we had the Ottawa ceremony on tv at the office, but I usually go to the Aurora one when I'm home - I did walk over and leave my poppy there on Tuesday - there were quite a few laid on the slab.