Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursdays Are For Knit Group

Knitters love snow.  It not only puts a knitter in a great knitting frame of mind, but gives us an excuse to do nothing but  knit.  All day.  Or at least all afternoon as we did today. 

Even though some of our knitters would rather be in Florida.  Like Sandy B  still in Canada nursing a husband who had recent back surgery.  Wearing Citron,  

she showed us the two different shades of purples in the shawl.  It's what happens when you lose your first ball of purple yarn, apparently.  

Sandy has started knitting this 'Owl' set.  Clever designer .  Look how those cables mimic wild life.

Someone ought to tell Lauren that socks 'soar' on two circs.

   Right now, Lauren's expression doesn't say 'soar'.

Sharon re-did the neckline on her Mothed

She said she tore apart the house looking for  her little bit of leftover yarn.  But once found, she put it to good use.  A  much-improved, stay-in-place neckline, Sharon.

Wilma took a liking to Nan's mittens. 

Sew the body with pieces cut from old sweaters, add a cuff and voila!   mittens.  Nan lined hers with fleece making for  very warm mittens indeed.

Lots of sock knitting going on today. Carol, Lauren and Lorrie all knitting socks. I expect there will be stockings stuffed with hand knit socks hanging from  many mantles this year.  

Here's hoping for more snow.  More, can't go outside - more knitting weather.

1 comment:

Yarn and Ivories said...

Love that OWL pattern.... You'll be hearing from me!
Happy Tree lighting! BRRRRRR.