Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Creatively Plodding

Can one plod creatively? Only in my knitterly world, perhaps.

My creative top-down is coming - slowly. 
One sleeve has been started,

along with 'take two' of the neck line.
There will probably be a take three as this one still doesn't please me completely.

The body is finished -
or so I thought until I tried it on again and feel it needs another inch or so.

The triangle decorating the lower front
 didn't materialize quite like my vision.  It wasn't supposed to look quite so Christmas-tree like.  Oh well. 

That little bit of triangular, colour work necessitated a few inches of flat knitting, so there is a short seam to sew.

This sweater has been a real plodder for me. I can't seem to get excited about it.  Partly, I think because despite loving the softness and colour  of the yarn I am not sure it is meant to be sweater yarn.  Better perhaps as a shawl or an afghan.  But, if not in knitterly denial, at least in a state of knitterly  acquiescence, I plod on with what has become, most  definitely,  a process sweater.  If I don't like it when it is done, well, it will make a good give-away.

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