Lauren was back today and and all smiles as she accomplished the great divide on her first-ever baby sweater.
Her tension is a bit off - she is knitting this little sweater at about the same gauge as a pair of socks. That takes time.
Nell has another brightly coloured afghan to hide behind. Really she is there.
Gail's Church called for hand-knit, chemo caps in soft, non-wool yarns. A perfect excuse for Gail to use up some of her stash.
I took Gloria's picture today simply because I haven't taken it in quite some time - and she has such a great smile.
Not-so-new Nan was up and brought her double-roll brim hat for show and tell. She missed our hat day - but never too late to show off great knitting.
For a top. That she will wear. Wonders never cease!
And me? The knitter who should have been knitting her 'When Debbie Met Sally' sweater as it has a tight deadline, knit slippers instead. Left the sweater at work yesterday! Arghhhh!