Finally, the 'good- gas-station-service' topper is done. The topper I had hoped to wear as travel attire for our trip home - finished just ten days too late.
Would it have generated better gas-station service? My knitting jury is still out on this topper. It is from Creative Knitting - the summer issue. It looks lovely in the picture.
But on me???
Kind of 'yeck'.
Why do I say 'yeck'? The yarn, DK weight as called for, Super 10 cotton, seems much too heavy for the design.
The swing shape doesn't flatter me.
Mine doesn't 'swing' much. Which maybe is a good thing since the style doesn't flatter.
The sleeves are 'way' too wide and revealing.
If you look great in wide, gaping sleeves and swing style tops and chose to make this sweater, my suggestion would be a fine, lace-weight or sock-weight yarn, knit on whatever needles give the correct gauge. Extend the sleeves to 3/4 length and wear over a cami in the cooler months.
Mine? Well, I will block it and see if it improves any. But at the moment, I'm disappointed and not going out for gas any time soon.