Monday, July 23, 2012

Abi and Grandma

 It is wonderful to have a grand child who is interested in the same crafty things as Grandma.  Abi, now 10, has long been interested in sewing.  I had taught her to hand sew and  last summer she made a delightful ‘bear’ bib for one of the new babies in the family.  This year, though, Abi felt ready  - not to mention eager -  to move on to machine sewing. 

My first machine sewing project was an  apron.  One straight piece of fabric gathered at the waist and topped by a long, double-thickness sash.  It seemed to me that an apron  was not a project that would  appeal to this generation.  I mentioned the first project dilemma to  Cathy, the very  ‘tuned-in’ owner of Meaford’s fabric store, and immediately she suggested  pyjama pants.  Not a garment to be worn in public  means   rookie mistakes like crooked seams don’t matter as much, she said.  Pyjama pants it was and I came north with my machine, fabric, pattern and a promise to have a couple of ‘girl days’ to teach Abi how to sew. 

This week James’  plans to spend time with his buddies gave us the perfect opportunity for those girl days and sewing lessons.  At the end of  the first afternoon, Abi  had her first machine sewing project – green pyjama shorts. 
 Day two, with straighter seams, a purple pair.
 This is the type of activity that Grandma enjoys. Much more so than some of Abi’s other interests.  Meet my junior ‘Python’ Hunters.


LaurieM said...

I like looking at the occasional garter snake, but that's good enough for me.

Nice work on the sewing lessons! Smart first project....

Sandra said...

yay! jammie pants! my favourite quick sewing project, and so useful. And as far as the "not seen in public" part - give it a few years. it's all teens wear out in public...
And I prefer my garter in stitches, not snakes...