Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Still At It

Having been upbraided by an 'anonymous' commenter that sounded awfully like Peter, the recipient of the dark, grey, plain sweater, for spoiling his Christmas surprise by blogging about the sweater, I give you a shot that only a knitter could figure out.

Knitters know what this means. It means Almost There! I think I will make it.

I have decided however, to test my blood pressure pills, - what good are they if they don't work under pressure - by starting another Bucket Hat. In my extended family we have a $10 gift exchange. Each person buys a $10 gift for a person like themselves. I, being an adult female buy a gift for an adult female. The gifts are all piled on the table and gifts are selected as names are drawn.

Then we fight over them. Well, fight is too strong a word, but we allow the gift to be 'stolen' three times. It's great fun. Good after dinner entertainment, doesn't cost anyone much and keeps us thinking all year of what we might like to give. Except me. I just decided after finishing a hat for Dorothy that I want to give a bucket hat. So bring on those pills!


Sandra said...

We do the same kind of "stealing" gift exchange, except we don't specify age or gender, which makes it a little more difficult. Try buying a gift that would appeal to an 83 year old man, a 48 year old woman or a 30 year old man.
Nice steeks-to-be on the sweater!

Deb said...

What fun, it's steek-time. I always find it somehow satisfying to do the cutting. Weird but true. You are almost done!

Zieknits said...

In my opinion, children (ADULT children!) who request their creative, innovative, uber-talented knitting mums knit them plain, dark, boring, fine-gauge, stockinette sweaters for Christmas, and then blog-stalk her even though they know WIPs make up a good portion of said blog...

...get no sympathy from me when their "surprises" get "ruined".

I'm just sayin... ;-)

Merry Christmas, all!

no red thread in the sweater said...

Oh noooooooooooooooo! There´s a red thread in´s ruined!!