Karen saw the pattern and showed it to me. I loved it. Wouldn't that make a perfect coat topper? For decoration and for warmth. In my oh-so- typical, spur-of-the-moment
'en -toos- iasm', I volunteered to make one for the store.
Well!!! The yarn decided upon was Briggs & Little Super. It knit to gauge. We had lots of stock. It seemed the natural choice.
Now, I do love Briggs & Little yarns. I love the fact that they are Canadian. I love that they are the oldest continually operating mill in Canada. I love that they rose from the ashes of a terrible fire a few years back to spin again. I love that when you call there, you could be speaking to a Briggs or a Little. But I do have to admit to having never used their Super before.
Super is very heavy. So heavy that it hurt my hands which meant that I could only knit on this cute, coat topper for short periods of time. And that meant that the topper took forever to complete.
But it is done now. And cute it is.
In the grey it would look great over a red or navy coat. I would make this again but in a different yarn. There are lots of bulky yarns with 'loft'. Loft makes the yarn airier, lighter. A lofty yarn would be easier to knit and lighter to wear.
Sorry Mr. Briggs. And Mr. Little. The rest of your yarns I love.
And for those readers basking comfortably in the warmth and sunshine of a warmer clime, here is our weather today.

OMG! Winter is here...crappo, but thank goodness for the warmth and comfort of Briggs & Little!
Could you share a link to the pattern? I like it!
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