I was also going to include Pierre Elliott Trudeu, father of Canadian Bilingualism in my title, because last week, the librarian told me I had innocently selected the only French computer of the six here at the library. I was praising Pierre for his bilingual initiatives - I mean why else would there be five English keyboards at the library in a French community, until I sat down to type. I have not been able to find an English keyboard yet. So Pierre - your praise will have to wait until I can find a keyboard with apostrophes and question marks. In the mentime, excuse the punctuation and spelling errors once agian.
But Dana and Elizabeth - Thanks. Abi spotted, liked and asked for Danas tunic pattern from Teens and Tweens. I happened to have two balls of Cotton Tweed in my stash - the pattern calls for three - but with some coordinating variegated, it would work. This pattern is wonderful. Extrememly well written. never once did I go HUH! Well done, Dana.
I have met Dana a couple of times and worked with her for the day this spring at the Knitters Frolic. But this is the first time I have knit one of her patterns. I will seek out more of them. The tunic has a great feather and fan pattern on the lower half. A simple, easily memorized pattern that would work wonderfully for an adult skirt. In the tunic pattern it reaches the bodice then is separated from the plain stockinet of the bodice by a couple of eyelet rows. This eyelet also trims the neck and armholes.
Thanking EZ might give you pause - although since most of you are knitters, probably not. But in this case, although Dana said the tunic would take three balls of yarn, I got so far along with just one ball, that I convinced Abi that we didnt need to switch to the variegted. I was certain I would have enough of teh plain orange. Of course I ran out.
That is when I chanelled Elizabeth to determine what she might do. Rather than rip back to the beginning of the bodice and knit it entirely in variegated, I simply began the variegated at the arnholes. I did try to edge both the neck and armholes in the plain orange to tie in with the lower portion. And got close. A rip and re-knit later, here it is blocking. Abi has yet to see it or try it on. So fingers crossed.